Friday, June 12, 2009


"wah..syiok nye tido bawah kete mama nie....kroh..kroh..."


ni.."my good boy - Milo"...So good boy that whenever I told him not to 'main panas' he will only stand or wander around our pasu bunga so that he stay within the shadow of the pasu...

Last year, while we went to perform haj, he stay at home guarding our house and its surrounding..bak kata cik jamal "ee..satu rumah dah bau milo.." so, whenever cik jamal came visiting he will keep miowing to her sort of complaining that he don't like to be left alone in the house without anybody attending to his need..(his need include stroking his neck la..). Tu lah milo ni eksen sikit, he will only be friendly towards people that he knows and will definitely cabut lari kalau ada tetamu dtg umah especially kalau ada kids yang suka kejar kucing...

So, bila we all dah balik Malaysia everynight for a week he slept on my pillow. rindu kot...