Thursday, July 9, 2009

1429 HIJRAH - Our Travelog Haji (Part I)

Pejam celik - pejam celik dah nak abis bulan Rejab and soon will come the glorious Ramadhan and after hari raya para jemaah haji is getting ready for final preparation before going for the Holy Land..Well.. kejap je dah nak masuk musim haji yang baru. Last year about this time I can still remember and almost could feel the excitement of getting ourselves ready. Ye lah this is going to be life time experience.. berdebar, seronok, terharu..macam-macam perasaan ada dalam ati. Berdebar coz we don't know apa yang menanti kami sepanjang 46 days menjalani ibadah haji di tanah suci..Seronok kerana diberi peluang menatap Baitullah lagi and menziarahi Makam Nabi SAW serta Raudhah di Madinah..Namun aku tetap rasa terharu coz Allah did send His invitation and membuka pintu hati kami serta diberi segala kelapangan, kesihatan dan kemudahan untuk menunaikan fardhu haji tahun 1429H ni..

Perjalanan ibadah haji kami alhamdulillah berjalan lancar walaupun diberi serba sedikit ujian kesihatan like batuk n selsema serba sikit. Disebabkan kami adalah jemaah KT-10 means we are the 10th flight of 24,ooo jemaah haji this year. So, kira kami ni batch awal la and therefore we landed in Madinah prior to going to Makkah. In Madinah Al-Munawarrah we stayed in a hotel about 10 minutes walk from masjid Nabawi. There are six of us (K. Ani, K. Yah, K. Yati, K. Idah & K. Normah) and i'm the youngest - kira adik bongsu la amongst us. We take in each other immediately and already felt like family from the very start. Even now we keep in touch and visit each other.

One day while walking out of the al-haram after solat Zohor (if i'm not mistaken) with K. Yati, I sort of complementing a jubah wear by someone infront of us and then the jemaah turn around and masyaallah it's my classmate of Sek. Men. Sains Muar!! We hugs in delight, Ilah is now a practiced medical doctor in JB and we haven't seen each other since we left school. Allahu Akhbar!!! Sepanjang berada di Madinah we encounter different sort of jemaah i.e Turkey, South African, local Arabs, & of course Indons - since they are the largest. The main hindrance is always the language since they can't speak english & I no nothing of arabic except 'roksun' , 'jumjumatun' he, communicate cam ayam dgn itik la.. Alhamdulillah since come back from haj, I enrolled in arabic communication class in Bangi. Sekarang ni just finish tahap 2 and I still have another 6 levels. Anyway alhamdulillah dah boleh la communicate sikit2 dgn wak jamek kalau stakat "ma hiwayatu ki??" ...." mas-muki?" he he...